Occationally Unafraid

by Ovidiu Ervin Gruia
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 24.000 x 0.750 inches
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Occationally Unafraid
Ovidiu Ervin Gruia
Painting - Acrylic
Original size: 24" x 24"
Painting Completed: Nov. 21, 2017
I have started to seriously and aggressively feed my passion for art in 2017 after a fateful meeting with the world-renowned painter, Alexandru Darida, in his gallery in Chicago, Illinois. He encouraged me and believed in me. Most of my art prior to that has been monochrome, with pencil and charcoal. Someone long ago told me that my fear of color stems from a deeper fear of emotions. I strongly disliked his observation, but as I contemplated my motives, I realized that I truly have an anxiety to bring color to my art. Why? Because the outcome can be unpredictable and not always what I desire to express. My friend and fellow painter, Gary Blevins complemented recently my "fearless" approach to color. However, I must confess that it is rarely without fear. It is this occasional freedom I wanted to celebrate in this painting.
April 5th, 2018
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