Our sense of peace is only as secure as our grasp of grace
by Ovidiu Ervin Gruia
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 24.000 x 0.750 inches
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Our sense of peace is only as secure as our grasp of grace
Ovidiu Ervin Gruia
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Original: 24' x 24'
Completed: Fall 2017
On the source of inspiration for this piece, Ovidiu Ervin Gruia writes: "Every Saturday morning, I look forward to the brief meditations on grace shared weekly by my former mentor, Bill Knott. Every week he draws wisdom from the deep well of God’s word. He has been unraveling fascinating thoughts on grace. I love his artistry of painting so many pictures of grace and how we interact with it. This painting was inspired by one of Knott's statements: 'Our sense of peace is only as secure as our grasp of grace.'”
Humanity has raised its ignorant tight fist towards the heavens, often too full of rage to be able to grasp the unbelievable power of underserved, unearnable grace.
April 5th, 2018