The song of the horizon B

by Ovidiu Ervin Gruia
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 24.000 x 0.750 inches
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The song of the horizon B
Ovidiu Ervin Gruia
Painting - Acrylic
24"x24" each - set of two (diptych)
Nov. 21, 2017
The bright and bold colors stand out as the abstract horizon is laid out across two paintings laid out in a diamond shape. The frame needs to be hung at a 90-degree clockwise turn to capture the effect of the design.
This piece is designed to be hung by the bottom right corner, so both pieces have blue on the top and red on the bottom.
See the second complementary piece: "The song of the horizon A"
The price for the original is listed as $1440 each ($2,880 total). Originals must be sold together.
April 5th, 2018
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